How Opiate Addicts can Benefit from Ibogaine
One of the main problems of government is the growth of heroin use and overdose deaths. This has led to a crisis in public health. There are thousands of Americans dying of heroin overdose and it still seem so far from control even at this time. The government has been putting out its efforts in curbing heroin abuse and scientists are looking for ways to develop new treatment that can relieve heroin addiction as painlessly as possible.
One of the plants in the Apocynaceae family has been tapped as a possible solution to heroin addiction, and the psychoactive substance naturally occurring in these plants is ibogaine. Ibogain is possibly giving hope to the treatment of heroin addicts and those prone to heroin overdose. This substance is known to be able to treat opioid addiction and has been found to be effective to deal with addiction to opioids which is considered the most difficult drugs to deal with. Heroin addiction forms patterns in the brain which ibogaine works to disrupt.
What will happen to the user of Ibogaine is that he will has an intense psychedelic experience for a day or two or more. Heroin addicts are helped by ibogaine such that they don't suffer much from withdrawal symptoms and they are able to reverse their drug using behavior.
Other addictions can also be treated by ibogaine like alcohol suboxone, methadone, and various addictions to stimulants. Ibogaine is able to disrupt the addiction pattern created by the opioid in the brain. Opioid binds with brain receptors when it is being used. IT is the brain that makes you crave for drugs if you use it regularly so that there is always that experience of having an increased urge to use the drug every now and then. If you take Ibogaine, it will act on the part of the brain that encourages you to crave for drugs and makes it to back to its original state and eliminates withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
There are users who have claimed that even with a single session using ibogaine, users were able to fight severe heroin addiction. With a single ibogaine dosage, the user tends to experience psychedelic state for about30 hours. This state they are in can greatly help in controlling the habit since they are able to gain significant insights into their addiction. Sometimes just one session marks the end of addiction. And, in order to prevent a relapse, users are recommended to continue with counseling and seeking help from support groups. Check out this website at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibogaine for more facts about ibogaines.
In the US, ibogaine is still identified as schedule I drug. What this means is that using this drug is illegal. Ibogain can treat heroin addiction but it is not yet recommended for medical use in the country.